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BOOK OF EXPERTS: Cool Care’s No. 1 priority is customer care

BOOK OF EXPERTS: Cool Care’s No. 1 priority is customer care


Customer Service is not a department at Cool Care Heating, Air, Plumbing & Refrigeration. It’s the entire company.

Cool Care began its journey in 2001 and remains owned and operated by Kenny and Teresa Wardlaw. This year Cool Care launched its Plumbing Department with the promise of giving the same exceptional service experience they have always strived to give. We want consumers to be comfortable in their home and workplace. We want our clients to have peace of mind, knowing that the individual working in and on their property has been vetted properly, professionally trained, and works for a South Carolina Licensed Contractor.

Our Culture is everything. We LOVE what we do, and we LOVE the people we work with and for. Our team is amazing and gets along so well with each other and our customers. We are constantly training and developing, we invest in our team, we care about our team, and we take great care of each other. This is not a result of just Kenny and Teresa; this is a result of great people coming together and doing great things. Great employees make great customers and God has blessed us with both.

We are BPI Certified, NATE Certified, and we are all about energy efficiency and savings for our customers. We were recognized as one of South Carolina’s trailblazers in Energy Efficiency as a recipient of the Century Club Award on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA.

We serve our community in many ways. Our favorite is the Give-A-Can, If-You-Can Food Drive where we ask our customers to give canned goods to our technicians during their service throughout the year. The statistics on hunger in S.C. are staggering and we want to be a part of the solution.

It’s hard to believe that we have been doing this for so long — time flies when you’re having fun. Over the years, we have been blessed to have met and worked with some amazing people. As consumers, as grandparents, as dog lovers, we really want to protect our customers and their families. We will always take great care of our customers.

Cool Care Heating, Air, Plumbing & Refrigeration

P.O. Box 6764

Columbia, SC 29260


Founded in 2001

This content appeared first in SC Biz News Book of Experts.